Daily/Journal files with .gpg not showing in calendar

I want to encrypt some of my journal or daily files with a “.gpg” extension but when I do, I do not see those files as entry on the calendar and I would like them to still show on the calendar. Anyone knows how I can get “.gpg” extensions to show on calendar?

From what I can tell in the codebase, and from brief testing, they should show up even with encryption.

You can instrument org-roam-dailies-calendar-mark-entries with edebug, and see if (org-roam-dailies--list-files) shows you the .gpg files. It looks like your files need to be of a certain naming convention, so that’s important too.

  1. I somehow missed org-roam-dailies-goto-date as an option so thank you for calling my attention to it. This is a game changer for my workflow .
  2. I encrypt all my notes with gpg including dailies and can confirm that they do correctly display for me in the calendar view.