Hi everyone and thanks for creating this awesome tool!
I like to keep my links to other files in a special connections property like so:
* Headline
:Connections: [[file:2020-06-24--190152.org][other file]]
The problem is, that org-roam doesn’t recognize links that are in properties as backlinks.
This happens in the function org-roam--extract-links
at the line
(org-element-map (org-element-parse-buffer) 'link
this function skips over property drawers.
For now I have a workaround, where I’m advicing org-roam--extract-links
Before the functions gets called, I add all of the properties to the end of the buffer as regular strings and after it, I revert the buffer again. Here is the code for that:
(defun ch/org-extract-properties-as-string-from-property-drawer ()
"Extract all properties in buffer as string."
(let ((str ""))
(org-element-map (org-element-parse-buffer) 'node-property
(lambda (prop)
(let ((key (org-element-property :key prop))
(val (org-element-property :value prop)))
(setq str (concat str "* :" key ": " val "\n"))
(defun ch/org-insert-properties-into-buffer ()
"Insert all values from properties and insert them at the end of current buffer."
(let ((props (ch/org-extract-properties-as-string-from-property-drawer)))
(goto-char (point-max))
(insert props)
(defun ch/revert-buffer ()
(revert-buffer t t t))
(advice-add 'org-roam--extract-links :before #'ch/org-insert-properties-into-buffer)
(advice-add 'org-roam--extract-links :after #'ch/revert-buffer)
That works for now, and I get the correct backlinks, but it’s kind of dirty. I don’t know how many other people have this workflow, but would it be possible to change org-roam--extract-links
to look for links inside of properties?