`org-roam-node-insert` sometiems creates unwanted PROPERTIES drawer

Suppose I am a file called Original, and I highlight some text (the word “New”, let’s say) and run org-roam-node-insert. Sometimes it does what I want, sometimes not.

It behaves exactly as I would like if New already matches the title of a node.

But suppose the node New does not yet exist. In that case, org-roam creates a new file called new.org, with a new ID, and the text I had highlighted becomes a link to the new file. So far so good. But org-roam also inserts an (almost always) useless PROPERTIES drawer in the Original file. The only data it contains is an ID that nothing links to. Every time it does that, I have to delete the PROPERTIES drawer.

Does it do that for everybody? How can I prevent it?

I suspect this is related to user option org-id-link-to-org-use-id.

And I cannot reproduce the issue … not sure what “useless drawer” looks like but I don’t see anything odd on my end.

@JeffBrown you probably need to use the built-in Emacs Profiler. In case you’ve never done that - it’s not that difficult. You just need to start it, repeat actions you’re trying to investigate, stop it and check the report. If you use Doom, it adds a simple function to toggle it on and off, running it for both mem and cpu. I personally prefer the former - for some reason, it shows more data. If you don’t use Doom, you can add the command - it’s tiny, yet very useful.

(defvar doom--profiler nil)

(defun doom/toggle-profiler ()
  "Toggle the Emacs profiler. Run it again to see the profiling report."
  (if (not doom--profiler)
      (profiler-start 'cpu+mem)
  (setq doom--profiler (not doom--profiler)))

Please show us what the drawer created is, without seeing it, it is not possible to suggest anything.


Are you in an org roam node when you highlight “New”?

Thanks, @nobiot! Indeed, I was setting org-id-link-to-org-use-id to t. Setting that to nil did the trick. (First I tried simply deleting any mention of it, but it respawned like a zombie in custom-set-variables.)

And thanks to everybody for responding so much faster than I was able to reply to …

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