Thought some of us might benefit from this. From a computer science student who finished the first year at uni. Via Reddit
Just to be clear it’s not me
Thought some of us might benefit from this. From a computer science student who finished the first year at uni. Via Reddit
Just to be clear it’s not me
Very interesting.
Maybe one day I’ll write about the “opposite”: how I use Emacs/org-roam to teach computer science.
I’ll check out the package he uses for latex inside org. One of the problems I have is that org (currently, apparently work is being done to change that) does not render latex with a size relative to the text size.
I would love to read it
This was a presentation I made for the emacs conference. It does not touch on Org-roam features (it predated the time I started using it).
Oh, the emacs conference is this weekend! It started today.