How do you take your fleeting notes?

Looking at the Org-Mode/Roam ecosystem, it seems there are several different prescribed approaches to doing fleeting notes. I have looked at:

  1. Org Journal: this was a flop for me, the text was formatted very strangely in Org-Journal mode, where new lines were for some reason identented and it wasn’t obvious how to fix it
  2. Org-Roam Dailies: I’ve just set this up, and it seems to do a very similar thing to Org Journal, but actually part of Org-Roam.
  3. The Org-Capture Journal template which appends entries to a single file

Was funny but also a bit confusing realising there are (at least) 3 packages that were doing basically the same thing. My question is, how do people take their fleeting notes?

I ask this because I’m currently just using the Org-Roam-Dailies-Capture-Today function to jot down small thoughts of things that could be turned into a note… is this its intended use? How do you remember to go through synthesising notes or deleting them? How do you go through synthesising?

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It is one of the intended uses, yes; but you should probably be figuring out what works for you rather than asking for our validation. The tools we design for org-roam as well as the slip-box methodology at large are intended to be open so that they may be used where they fit best. My only advise to you is to experiment with them until you find something which, in practice, works the best for you.

thanks, the TIMTOWTDI outlook is interesting, hadn’t thought about it like that.

I bumped into this thread and was curious. @zaeph , I think you are right. The community often proposes many different solutions and each one is often a small variation on something that already exists as maybe the author of the new tool either had a painful issue to fix or the author just wanted to experiment creating a new tool that already does what many others do.

I too, similar to @lex , am at the start of my ORG-ROAM journey and I too have been asking myself similar questions. I’m currently working with org-journal and use the TODO flag a lot which gets carried over to each daily note. That how I keep track of concepts I want to explore further. I’ll add something on the lines of “TODO - Explore the concept of DOAs and NFTs”. When I create the new note I will mark it as DONE.

I think these forums are great for sharing experiences and learning from each other. All the great things I have learnt to date are from the great people like you that I have never met in real life and probably never will but that have contributed to expanding my knowledge.

I make heavy use of dailies. It completely replaced my use of org-journal which I previously used only for a personal journal. With dailies I have a personal journal template, a work log template and a template for nearly every recurring meeting that I have.

I capture to a meeting template (with immediate finish and jump to captured) and then immediately capture to work log which clicks time. My templates give me links from the worklog to the meeting note.

I’ve found this methodology quite useful.

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