Can't have spaces when C-c n f or C-c n i?

Someone mentioned that “${slug} is by default a processed version of the title in which spaces and illegal symbols are replaced with underscores.” but whenever i C-c n f or C-c n i it never allows me to type spaces at all for some reason… subsequently, now all my Titles have no spaces :frowning:

That depends on the completion framework you use. Ivy has no problem adding space in minibuffer. Have a look at this thrread.

Mine is default vanilla Emacs.
I don’t have Ivy, Helm, installed nor do I have ido turned on.
I guess I’ll try installing a completion framework.

The default should be similar to Ido; I have a feeling you can find an equivalent map (C-h v) for minibuffer or Icomplete (default, I think).

(define-key ido-common-completion-map " " 'self-insert-command)
(define-key ido-common-completion-map (kbd “SPC”) 'self-insert-command)