Unexpected behaviour in org-roam-find-file


thank you for all the work on this great software!

I am running the following setup in Ubuntu 20.04

Framework: - Emacs: GNU Emacs 26.3 (build 1, x86_64-apple-darwin18.2.0, NS appkit-1671.20 Version 10.14.3 (Build 18D109))
of 2019-09-02

  • Org: Org mode version 9.4 (9.4-elpa @ /Users/giulio/.emacs.d/elpa/org-20200914/)
  • Org-roam: 1.2.1

I have the following problems when calling org-roam-find-file (I have not modified the standard template).

  1. At the File: prompt I cannot enter any space-separated title.
  2. Again at the File: prompt I cannot search by tag. E.g. consider an existing file <(learning, cognition) why book dont work>. entering or or at the prompt does not bring up the file title. Entering <(learning> does.

It may be that 2. is normal behavior but I do not think 1. is, judging from some of the animated figure I have seen online.

Thank you in advance for your help.


This is probably a function of the mini-buffer completion engine you are using. I suspect it’s ido, where you need to insert a literal space somehow. Using a popular completion framework like Helm or Ivy should make all the issues you are seeing go away.

why should “or or” match the file? Once again, this is how the matching is done. Frameworks like ivy support different modes of filtering, such as via regexp.

Installing helm did the job. Many thanks!

In case it helps somebody in the future. The second point in the original query got wrongly parsed. It should have been

At the File: prompt I cannot search by tag. E.g. consider an existing file “(learning, cognition) why book dont work”. entering “learning” or “cognition” at the prompt does not bring up the file title. Entering “(learning” does.

Again, installing helm fixed the issue.

I’ve the same problem using Helm…after disabling it and enabling ivy, it goes away. :confused:

Any hint what might be problematic with Helm (using Emacs 27.1 under Debian Sid and latest MELPA packages via use-package)?

Perhaps you would need to enable helm-mode via (helm-mode 1) somewhere in your config file (source), and then replace the keybindings for M-x and C-x C-f as in the FAQ?

Why after enabling helm-mode M-x and C-x C-f are not helmized?

Commands execute-extended-command and find-file bound respectively to M-x and C-x C-f have been disabled to force people using the real things that are helm-M-x and helm-find-files , the only thing you have to do to use these commands is to bound them respectively to M-x and C-x C-f . If you really want to have back the helmized commands (less powerfull and slower for M-x ), remove them from helm-completing-read-handlers-alist .

[quote=“nobiot, post:5, topic:766, full:true”]
Perhaps you would need to enable helm-mode via (helm-mode 1) somewhere in your config file

It is already enabled.

Tried replacing C-x C-f, but the problem did persist… :confused:

It looks it is the time to replace Helm with something simpler, so installed selectrum along with prescient.el and everything is fine now. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: