Your process for finding, inspecting and inserting links to notes


Question about how others may deal with this scenario:

I’m taking notes, and I want to insert a new or existing roam note. I call
org-roam-insert. I am using Helm, so I type some text to perform a search
for an existing roam note. I see a possible candidate, but I want to inspect
the candidate further. Now, I wish that I had ran “org-roam-find” so that I could easily
preview the note. Instead, I need to close org-roam-insert and open org-roam-find and
type the same search text.

A minor inconvenience – but I’m wondering how others may deal with this minor
break in concentration.

Also, I use Helm, and I’ve considered creating custom “Actions” where I could
find the note that I want to “preview” and press Tab. Two actions would be present:

  1. Insert a link to the highlighted note
  2. Simply open the note in a buffer

However, I find Emacs lisp and especially Helm’s API to be very daunting:

I’ve tried using “Helm Follow Mode” where helm (usually) displays highlighted entries interactively. This would (perhaps) work when trying to “preview” notes from Helm. However, there’s probably some customization required for helm to allow “follow mode” for the org-roam-insert command.

I’m wondering if others have created Helm “Actions” for their Roam systems and wanted to share?


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