I’ve dived right into Zettelkatsen and simultaneously trying out a couple of tools. I’m having a bit of trouble grasping how file refs work. Based on the docs https://www.orgroam.com/manual/File-Refs.html#File-Refs it seems the expected flow is to create small, general notes that use the #+roam_key
pointing to a single source. Then I can link to it from any number of Notes.
Is that how it is intended? Is that how people use it?
For instance let’s say I wanted to document this as part of learning org-roam. Say I already have a few notes about org-roam’s features, so I create a Understanding File Refs Issue note like this:
#+TITLE: Understanding file refs
#+ROAM_KEY: https://github.com/org-roam/org-roam/issues/1134
#+TAGS: "Org-Roam", "Docs", "Github Issue"', "Zettelkatsen"
I created an issue asking about how we should use file refs.
Then I create another note maybe file refs docs
#+TITLE: File refs in org-roam docs
#+ROAM_KEY: https://www.orgroam.com/manual/File-Refs.html#File-Refs
#+TAGS: "Org-Roam", "Docs", "Zettelkatsen"
Official documentation describing how file refs work.
Then I can freely link back to those references in my notes.
#+TITLE: File refs in Org-Roam
#+TAGS: "Org-Roam", "File-Refs", "Usage", "Learning", "Zettelkatsen"
* What are they?
According to [[20200924122300-file_refs_in_org_roam_docs][the docs]] a =roam_key= argument must be unique and a note can only refer to one ref.
** How should they be used?
I'm not entirely sure how they should be used. Created [[20200924123200-understanding_file_refs][Understanding File Refs]] to learn about the intended workflow around them.
- If each note can only have one reference then it sounds like we want to create general reference notes that use `#+ROAM_KEY` then link to those in as many notes as desired.
- Even pages like this may refer to multiple sources but we know a note can only have one roam_key per file.
- Am I missing a type of link or a constraint to this?
Is that even close to the intended use case?
(Moving to here from https://github.com/org-roam/org-roam/issues/1134 as this feels more appropriate)