How would I log resources like articles, youtube videos, etc

I am currently reading the book by Sönke Ahrens about taking smart notes. Regarding org-roam I am asking myself, how I would best track articles and youtube videos that may be interesting to read in association with a concept that I have in my org-roam notes?

At the moment I am thinking about creating a resource note file and linking an org todo to that file from my task management org files. I think it would be nice to link research todos in the org-roam buffer, but that’s just a quick idea.

How would you do it? What is you current workflow?

Hi there.

You could use org-protocol to capture the document right from your browser. This will then bring you in Emacs where you can tag/link the file accordingly.

Ah, sorry I should have clarified what I do right now. I am using org-capture to capture a note/quote with a link to the source and a timestamp to my daily journal file. So now my question is: is there a better way, because exactly the “tag/link the file accordingly” part is what’s unclear to me :slight_smile:

When capturing like that, I duplicate the link to the resource many many times. But maybe I should create a note file for the resource and reference that? That way I could keep all my notes for that particular resource within one file. I have seen there is the concept of cite refs or something in the docs of org-roam. I don’t yet know how to incorporate these, though.

I am eager to know what possibilities there are. I still feel a slight lack of creativity in that regard :smiley:

You could use file-refs, which would allow you to link the file to a document, which could be the URL to your video.

We handle cite-backlinks for cite: links, but I don’t think we allow the same behaviour for non-cite: links. But at least you’d have all your notes for that document in one file, and you can then link your other notes to that file.

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Ah so when I link to the file-ref (ROAM_KEY) “” this is shown as a backlink too?

I want to avoid capturing to my journal files all the time. If I have a thought to an article, video or other resource, I want to capture this thought in a file that corresponds to the resource and link to other related concepts. Do you think this goes against the concept of slip-boxes or org-roam?

What would go into the note files of the concepts themselves? Haha, I still need to wrap my head around this … :slight_smile:

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Now, that’s why you’d have one note per video/article which would centralise all your notes on said document. Then, you’re free to link to that note from any of your other notes.

Maybe examples would provide more clarity:

ROAM_KEY for a website:

ROAM_KEY for a bibliographic resource:

Don’t mind the long notes; I’m in a slow migration from my previous note-taking process. You’ll probably have to view the raw file to see the roam key. for websites, if I’m on the page and use the bookmarklet in the roam protocol (linked previously), I’m brought back to the note. I also advocate the one note per resource, which is a simple guideline to follow, and feels granular enough.