SOLVED: Org-roam-ui - trouble with theme

I’ve managed to get the orui running nicely. At default it had a nice dark theme. But I tried to run orui-sync-theme according to documentation and it kinda broke the theme. It got the white background (my emacs theme is dark - modus vivendi) and some nodes/colors/labels became invisible. By setting the properties via orui settings panel I got the nodes back to visible state. But now I can’t get rid of the white background no matter if I try to either customize the theme with config or with settings panel. Btw color customization via config doesn’t seem to work for me (no errors, just has no effect).
@KirillR, @ThomasFKJorna, is there a way to reset the theme to default one?
Thanks for any help!


The theme config gets saved to the local storage entry.

Just open the Dev Tools → Application → Local Storage → [app URL] and remove the “theme” key, then refresh the page.

When in doubt, remove everything from there. :sweat_smile:

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It’s also safe to experiment with any settings by running the web app in Incognito.

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Thanks a lot! Clearing the local storage solved it!