Org Roam V2 Migration Problem with migrate-wizard

Hey Everyone!

I am trying to migrate to V2 on Doom emacs. I see that the +roam flag hasn’t been updated yet to use V2, so I removed it and reinstalled org-roam using MELPA. I now get the warning that I’m on V2 - so far so good I guess.

Now trying to run the migrate wizard, it creates the .bak folder and then displays this error:

org-id-add-location: Wrong type argument: hash-table-p, nil

I let it run for some time to see if it does anything else, but it doesn’t look like anything is happening. Can anyone help?

I removed all my old configuration from roam and just added this to my config.el:

(setq org-roam-directory (file-truename "~/Documents/org/roam"))

Thanks for the help in advance!

What would happen if you manually ran M-x org-id-update-id-locations before starting the wizard?

I suspect you have never used Org-ID in your Emacs before, and thus your Emacs needs to “activate” Org-ID first – I think this was not part of the assumption of the wizard.

Hey @nobiot, thank you for your answer!

I think your suspicion was right. When running the command you said, I got this:
3 files scanned, 0 files contains IDs, and 0 IDs found.

Now I ran the wizard again and it loaded and wrote ID’s to the files and it looks good now! It seems to have indexed everything!

Thank you so much :smiley:

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@nobiot I still get the same org-id-add-location: Wrong type argument: hash-table-p, nil warning or error when trying to create a new node or so… it does create the node actually, but it doesn’t open the little buffer to write in it. Not sure if I should open a new discussion, but thought I’d leave it in here since it’s still the same error… any idea what’s happening?:slight_smile:

No… It’s as if your doom were refusing to use org-id. I don’t use doom but there seems to be new +roam2 coming?

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hmm weird stuff… Thanks anyway! Yeah I’ve seen there is a pull request in the works. I’ll wait then for it to be merged (hopefully soon).

EDIT: Just saw that it has been merged :partying_face:! I’ll use that then!


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I can confirm that using the +roam2 flag in init.el solved the problem! :smiley: