Org-roam major redesign

I think the issue was the tag names need to be lower case. With that change, I now see annotations.

BTW, that code you added to advise the annotation-function is helpful!

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I used vim for a long, long time before I used Emacs, and I can say that evil-mode (as configured in spaceacs, I haven’t tried doom yet) is really superb. It makes for a very easy transition.


Same opinion here.

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I find the ergonomics of Doom w/evil to be excellent. I like that I can use the leader + kbs, but also drop into direct commands easily.

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I broke off another separate thread, to talk about UI/UX and annotation/affixation.

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I made a spin-off thread on graph view and org-roam-server for those who use network graphs as a means to traverse and explore ideas and notes.

Please consider posting your thoughts on graph-view:

Update to the problem with exporting: I saw here @jethro’s use of org-id-extra-files in his export process:

(let ((org-id-extra-files (find-lisp-find-files org-roam-directory "\.org$")))

I’ve tried this and it is working for me also when exporting via org-publish, e.g. with similar to the below in my publish.el:

(require 'find-lisp)
; ...
(setq org-id-extra-files (find-lisp-find-files org-roam-directory "\.org$"))

From the definition of org-id-extra-files: “Files to be searched for IDs, besides the agenda files”.

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Are you enjoy about the V2 ? Not to buggy at this time ?

Only to speak for myself, I like V2. My interpretation of where @jethro wants to go with it is that it’s a subset of V1, focused on the “core features” of Org-roam. From what I can see, the core features are backlinks, capture for quick note-taking, and find from a dedicated list of nodes in minibuffer. These happen to be the core subset I personally used in V1. I think my satisfaction comes from the fact that V2 overlaps almost completely with my use of V1.

Jethro has just done a new commit to fix capture. With this, V2 will be complete for me. I will start moving my template to V2 (I have been using my custom function just out of personal habit since V1, not because of the state of V2).

Now… “buggy”? Not for me. Two comments on my assessment:

(1) I am a light user of Org-roam. At the moment, I am taking notes only (as I said above, with my custom function; I will move to capture soon), and only occasionally reviewing them with the help of backlinks. Within this light use, I feel no stress with V2. I raised a couple of issues on GitHub that I had in moving from V1 to V2, which Jethro quickly fixed. I have also updated my Md-roam to V2 (enabling Org-roam to recognise markdown files), which is working for the limited scope I care about – this indicates to me that the core is good.

(2) Other users may find the current scope of V2 still lacking – this is different to “buggy” but I realise these are sometimes mixed up. Graphing and org-roam-server support are not there. I am not sure what’s happening on dailies (I don’t use it). And I don’t know what other V1 features that people rely on.

Ok, thanks for reply !

These two functions are important to me. I will wait a little longer.

Besides, in the screenshots I could see, I understand that we view “directly” the “unlinked” notes in the sidebar? Is it already working well. This is what I’m very attracted to and have seen working efficiently in Obsidian.

Not for me on Windows but I haven’t really examined the detail (I am not really interested), so it might well be working.

I believe you could test it on V1 – isn’t this function basically the same feature? (just the presentation on the side-window is different).

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I agree. It is precisely this possibility to automatically display the “unlinked” notes in the sidebar that interests me.

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Org-roam-bib (orb).

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Most of Org Roam BibTeX functionality has already been adjusted to Org Roam v2. The changes have not been pushed to GitHub yet though. I hope I will be able to release the adjusted version simultaneously with Org Roam v2. Otherwise it will be a matter of a couple of days.

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Pushing it to a separate branch (like v2) would be helpful, I can also give it a test run.

Thank you, I created a new branch org-roam-v2. But it’s probably not working anymore and needs more changes. I had little opportunity to work on it in the last two weeks and a quick glance at Org Roam yesterday tells me it has changed profoundly since then :slight_smile:

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Let us know when you have it “ready”? I can test it too.

BTW, I just added a cache to bibtex-actions, which dramatically improves performance, particularly with large libraries.

Sure, although I cannot give a time estimate.

Great news!


I see the benefit defintely outweigh the annoyance of a small migration. I’m especially looking forward to the unification of the org-mode tags and org-roam’s tagging system. Looking forward to these breaking changes!

Speaking of which – I’ve had on my list to understand how I was supposed to be using ROAM_TAGS, org mode tags, and keywords. Is there a way to use these starting today that will be consistent with org-roam-v2’s way?