Org-roam major redesign

I’m also experimenting Org-roam for work with meetings (in my case, usually specific topics; people are “attendees” but won’t be a tag for me).

I would also love to emulate @d12frosted’s elegant custom approach, but not there yet. My simple approach at the moment is to create an “index note” for a topic, and in every meeting note I link to it (or from it – not consistent at the moment). With V2, perhaps I could have one file per topic, and create heading in the time line. It looks conceptually like this:

:properties: ...
#+title: Meetings on Pricing for Product A

[[id:xxx][Index: Pricing]]
[[id:yyy][Index: Product A]]

* [2021-01-31]
:id: id
Action items:
* [2021-02-28]
:properties: ...
Action items: