Org roam db sync optimisations

On every startup - if org-roam-db-autosync-mode is called from init - org-roam-db-sync is called into action - this runs a set of protocols to ensure records on database match 1:1 with files on disk.

This process is expensive and scales up as number of files increases, One solution is to simply rip out calling org-roam-sync inside the mode - so that it only sets up hooks to record delta changes back to the database.

Rest that, if users wish to not call it unnecessarily when it is guaranteed by user that files are indeed the same - an example is provided here on how to block calls. A sanity check is ensured by writing the last db update time to disk and comparing it against the last db modification time of the db file.


Load the code, before (org-roam-db-autosync-mode)!
use (setq org-roam-db-last-update-file "/path/to/file") to set the location of the file which keeps track when the last db update was done. Defaults to ~/.emacs/org-roam-db-last-update-time this is a plain txt file which just keeps the time.

;;; org-roam-db-sync-optimization.el

;;; Commentary:
;; This Emacs Lisp file optimizes the Org-roam database synchronization process by introducing
;; a mechanism to skip unnecessary synchronization when the database file has not been modified
;; since the last update. The timestamp of the last Org-roam database update is stored in an
;; external file.

;;; Code:

(defcustom org-roam-db-last-update-file "~/.emacs.d/org-roam-db-last-update-time"
  "File to store the timestamp of the last Org-roam database update."
  :type 'file
  :group 'org-roam)

(defvar org-roam-db-last-update-time nil
  "Timestamp of the last Org-roam database update.")

(defun org-roam-db-load-last-update-time ()
  "Load the timestamp of the last Org-roam database update from file.
If the file is not readable or does not exist, the timestamp remains nil."
  (when (file-readable-p org-roam-db-last-update-file)
    (setq org-roam-db-last-update-time
            (insert-file-contents org-roam-db-last-update-file)
            (read (current-buffer))))))

(defun org-roam-db-save-last-update-time ()
  "Save the timestamp of the last Org-roam database update to file."
    (prin1 org-roam-db-last-update-time (current-buffer))
    (write-region (point-min) (point-max) org-roam-db-last-update-file)))

(defun org-roam-db-update-time ()
  "Update the timestamp of the last Org-roam database update.
This function sets the timestamp to the current time and saves it to the external file."
  (setq org-roam-db-last-update-time (current-time))

(defun org-roam-db-sync-advice (orig-fun &rest args)
  "Advice function for org-roam-db-sync to check if syncing is necessary.
This advice checks whether the Org-roam database file has been modified since the last update.
If the file has been modified or the last update time is nil, it calls the original function (`org-roam-db-sync`),
updates the timestamp, and saves it to the external file."
  (let ((db-file-modified-time (nth 5 (file-attributes org-roam-db-location))))
    (when (or (null org-roam-db-last-update-time)
              (time-less-p org-roam-db-last-update-time db-file-modified-time))
      ;; Call the original function to perform synchronization
      (apply orig-fun args)
      ;; Update and save the timestamp

(defun custom/org-roam-db-sync (&optional force)
  "Temporarily remove the sync advice and do org-roam-db-sync.
If FORCE is non-nil, force a rebuild of the cache from scratch."
  (interactive "P")
  (advice-remove 'org-roam-db-sync #'org-roam-db-sync-advice)
  (org-roam-db-sync force)
  (advice-add 'org-roam-db-sync :around #'org-roam-db-sync-advice))

;;; Initialization:

;; Load the last update time when Emacs starts

;; Advising org-roam-db-sync
(advice-add 'org-roam-db-sync :around #'org-roam-db-sync-advice)

;; Save the last update time when Emacs is about to exit
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook 'org-roam-db-save-last-update-time)

(provide 'org-roam-db-sync-optimization)

;;; org-roam-db-sync-optimization.el ends here

Customise according to your regexp-filters.
Improvements to:
+ Hashing Computation
+ Eliminate post filtering logic by embedding it inside query itself.

 ; Improvements to org-roam-db-sync helper functions

(require 'org-roam.el)
(require 'org-roam-db.el)

;; org-roam-db.el
;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; (defun org-roam-db--file-hash (file-path)
;;   "Compute the hash of FILE-PATH."
;;   (with-temp-buffer
;;     (set-buffer-multibyte nil)
;;     (insert-file-contents-literally file-path)
;;     (secure-hash 'sha1 (current-buffer))))

(defun org-roam-db--file-hash (file-path)
  "Compute the hash of FILE-PATH concatenated with its modification time."
  (secure-hash 'sha1 (format "%s %s" file-path (nth 5 (file-attributes file-path)))))

;; Rationale: File hash on the filepath concated with the modification time is as unique as it gets
;; this effectively is the best case proxy for what the original hash intends to do. Reduces computation time
;; by half on this function

;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

;; org-roam.el
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(setq org-roam-list-files-commands '(rg))

;; (defun org-roam--list-files-search-globs (exts)
;;   "Given EXTS, return a list of search globs.
;; E.g. (\".org\") => (\"*.org\" \"*.org.gpg\")"
;;   (cl-loop for e in exts
;;            append (list (format "\"*.%s\"" e)
;;                         (format "\"*.%s.gpg\"" e)
;;                         (format "\"*.%s.age\"" e))))

(defun org-roam--list-files-search-globs (exts)
  "Given EXTS, return a list of search globs.
E.g. (\".org\") => (\"*.org\" \"*.org.gpg\")"
  (cl-loop for e in exts
           append (list (format "\"*.%s\"" e)
                        (format "\"*.%s.gpg\"" e)
                        (format "\"*.%s.age\"" e)
			(format "\"!*/resources/*\"" e))))

;; Rationale: Embed logic of `org-roam-file-exclude-regexp' inside the search glob itself
;; Eliminate need for filtering the files after generating the full list.
;; By default `/usr/bin/find' is used to generate the list of files
;; Use `ripgrep' exclusively.
;; Eliminates the need to compare each and every file against `org-roam-file-p'

(defun org-roam--list-files (dir)
  "Return all Org-roam files located recursively within DIR.
Use external shell commands if defined in `org-roam-list-files-commands'."
  (let (path exe)
    (cl-dolist (cmd org-roam-list-files-commands)
      (pcase cmd
        (`(,e . ,path)
         (setq path (executable-find path)
               exe  (symbol-name e)))
        ((pred symbolp)
         (setq path (executable-find (symbol-name cmd))
               exe (symbol-name cmd)))
         (signal 'wrong-type-argument
                 `((consp symbolp)
      (when path (cl-return)))
    (if-let* ((files (when path
                       (let ((fn (intern (concat "org-roam--list-files-" exe))))
                         (unless (fboundp fn) (user-error "%s is not an implemented search method" fn))
                         (funcall fn path (format "\"%s\"" dir)))))

              ;;(files (seq-filter #'org-roam-file-p files)) ;; Post Filtering has been made redundant.
	      ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------

	      (files (mapcar #'expand-file-name files))) ; canonicalize names
      (org-roam--list-files-elisp dir))))

;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------