I run roam on three machines simultaneously. I faced difficulty in maintaining a common version. Cloud solutions did not work for me - resulting in frequent conflicts. One solution is to create one folder in network and mount it - but problem here is a line of sight is needed with the network drive all the time.
My solution
Step 0 : Generate timestamps for roam sync - establish recency
Step 1: use rsync over ssh to sync : depending on recency
I have provided a solution to generate timestamps in org roam db optimisation
the rest is simple - convert lisp timestamp to unix time stamp - compare - provide choice
# Remote server details
# Timestamp files
# Sync folders
# Check if the local timestamp file exists and is readable
if [ ! -f "$local_timestamp_file" ]; then
echo "Local timestamp file not found or not readable: $local_timestamp_file"
exit 1
# Function to convert Lisp timestamp to Unix timestamp
convert_lisp_timestamp() {
local lisp_timestamp="$1"
local high low usec psec total_seconds
# Remove parentheses
# Split the timestamp into HIGH, LOW, USEC, and PSEC
IFS=' ' read -r high low usec psec <<< "$lisp_timestamp"
# Calculate total seconds from HIGH and LOW
total_seconds=$(( high * 65536 + low ))
# Convert microseconds and picoseconds to seconds and add to total seconds
total_seconds=$(echo "scale=6; $total_seconds + $usec / 1000000.0 + $psec / 1000000000.0" | bc)
# Round total seconds to nearest integer
total_seconds=$(printf "%.0f" "$total_seconds")
echo "$total_seconds"
# Function to convert Unix timestamp to human-readable format
unix_to_human_readable() {
local unix_timestamp="$1"
date -d "@$unix_timestamp" "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
# Get the modification time of the local timestamp file
local_lisp_timestamp=$(< "$local_timestamp_file")
# Convert local Lisp timestamp to Unix timestamp
local_unix_timestamp=$(convert_lisp_timestamp "$local_lisp_timestamp")
# Get the modification time of the remote timestamp file via SSH
remote_lisp_timestamp=$(ssh "$remote_server" "cat '$remote_timestamp_file'")
remote_unix_timestamp=$(convert_lisp_timestamp "$remote_lisp_timestamp")
# Convert timestamps to human-readable format
local_human_readable=$(unix_to_human_readable "$local_unix_timestamp")
remote_human_readable=$(unix_to_human_readable "$remote_unix_timestamp")
# Display modification times
echo ""
echo "Remote Server: $remote_server"
echo "Remote Modification Time: $remote_human_readable"
echo "Local Modification Time: $local_human_readable"
echo ""
# Indicate which version is newer
if [ "$local_unix_timestamp" -gt "$remote_unix_timestamp" ]; then
echo -e "\033[1mLocal version is newer.\033[0m"
elif [ "$local_unix_timestamp" -lt "$remote_unix_timestamp" ]; then
echo -e "\033[1mRemote version is newer.\033[0m"
echo "Both files have the same modification time."
# Prompt user for action
echo ""
echo "Options:"
echo "1. Proceed to update old to new."
echo "2. Revert change (revert new to old)."
echo "3. No action."
echo ""
read -p "Choose an option (1/2/3): " choice
case "$choice" in
if [ "$local_unix_timestamp" -gt "$remote_unix_timestamp" ]; then
# Local file is newer, perform rsync from local to remote
echo "Local file is newer. Performing rsync from local to remote..."
rsync -av --delete "$local_sync_folder" "$remote_server:$remote_sync_folder"
# Update remote timestamp file after syncing
ssh "$remote_server" "echo '$local_lisp_timestamp' > '$remote_timestamp_file'"
elif [ "$local_unix_timestamp" -lt "$remote_unix_timestamp" ]; then
# Remote file is newer, perform rsync from remote to local
echo "Remote file is newer. Performing rsync from remote to local..."
rsync -av --delete "$remote_server:$remote_sync_folder" "$local_sync_folder"
# Update local timestamp file after syncing
echo "$remote_lisp_timestamp" > "$local_timestamp_file"
echo "Both files have the same modification time. No action needed."
if [ "$local_unix_timestamp" -gt "$remote_unix_timestamp" ]; then
# Local file is newer, perform rsync from remote to local (revert change)
echo "Local file is newer. Performing rsync from remote to local (revert change)..."
rsync -av --delete "$remote_server:$remote_sync_folder" "$local_sync_folder"
# Update local timestamp file after syncing
echo "$remote_lisp_timestamp" > "$local_timestamp_file"
elif [ "$local_unix_timestamp" -lt "$remote_unix_timestamp" ]; then
# Remote file is newer, perform rsync from local to remote (revert change)
echo "Remote file is newer. Performing rsync from local to remote (revert change)..."
rsync -av --delete "$local_sync_folder" "$remote_server:$remote_sync_folder"
# Update remote timestamp file after syncing
ssh "$remote_server" "echo '$local_lisp_timestamp' > '$remote_timestamp_file'"
echo "Both files have the same modification time. No action needed."
echo "No action taken."
echo "Invalid option. No action taken."
So the schematic looks like this
Machine 0 ( is “server”
Clients sync with Machine 0 to maintain common version.
Current Limitation
1. Cannot be non trivially changed to sync between clients directly as size of clients increases - one "server" is needed for properly managing conflicts.