Org-roam-dailies: how to browse through previous days

I have a very similar set up with the one @bepolymathe has

The very left is a simple Dired (with dired-hide-details-mode to show only the file names).
The middle is the note, and the right is the backlink buffer from org-roam.

I have the following in my init.el to define custom functions for me to navigate the Dired buffer up and down.

Basically, up or down to display the note, and update the backlink. You don’t go out of Dired, so you can skim throught the directory with backlinks (it also works in directories outside Org-roam without backlinks).

I don’t use dailies, but I believe you can use this way for the dailies directory (??)

I have to add, though, splitting the screen in this way is manually done – I don’t have a good way to set the sizes correctly and automatically.

;;; Edited 20201-02-08
;;; Dired
(defun my/check-org-roam-buffer-p (buf)
  "Return non-nil if BUF is org-roam-buffer that can be refleshed.
It also checks the following:
- `org-roam' is indeed loaded
- BUF is visiting an Org-roam file
- org-roam-buffer exists"
  (and (functionp #'org-roam--org-roam-file-p)
       (org-roam--org-roam-file-p (buffer-file-name buf))
       (not (eq (org-roam-buffer--visibility) 'none))))

(defun my/dired-display-next-file ()
  "In Dired directory, go to the next file, and open it.
            If `org-roam-mode' is active, update the org-roam-buffer."
  (dired-next-line 1)
  (let ((buf (find-file-noselect (dired-get-file-for-visit))))
    (display-buffer buf t)
    (when (my/check-org-roam-buffer-p buf)
      (with-current-buffer buf
        (setq org-roam--current-buffer buf)

(defun my/dired-display-prev-file ()
  "In Dired directory, go to the previous file, and open it.
            If `org-roam-mode' is active, update the org-roam-buffer."
  (dired-previous-line 1)
  (let ((buf (find-file-noselect (dired-get-file-for-visit))))
    (display-buffer buf t)
    (when (my/check-org-roam-buffer-p buf)
      (with-current-buffer buf
        (setq org-roam--current-buffer buf)

(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
            (dired-hide-details-mode 1)
            ;; I don't use dired-subtree at the moment
            ;;(define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "<tab>") #'dired-subtree-toggle)
            ;;(define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "<C-tab>") #'dired-subtree-cycle)
            (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "<SPC>") #'my/dired-display-next-file)
            (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "<down>") #'my/dired-display-next-file)
            (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "<up>") #'my/dired-display-prev-file)))