Hi everyone,
I have created this thread on the emacs stackexchange, but it looks like this is really an org-roam issue.
I’m using this small org file to test the behavior:
* example heading
:ID: f3805217-ff72-4dbe-b8aa-72a266eb5498
** first subtree heading
** second subtree heading
[[id:f3805217-ff72-4dbe-b8aa-72a266eb5498::*first subtree heading][test link]]
As long as my .emacs
doesn’t contain anything related to org-roam (I’m only using org config actually), the org link is resolved as expected. As soon as something org-roam related is executed, I get org-roam-id-open: Cannot find entry with ID "f3805217-ff72-4dbe-b8aa-72a266eb5498::*first subtree heading"
with the following stacktrace:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Cannot find entry with ID \"f3805217-ff72-4dbe-b8aa...")
error("Cannot find entry with ID \"%s\"" "f3805217-ff72-4dbe-b8aa-72a266eb5498::*first subtr...")
org-roam-id-open("f3805217-ff72-4dbe-b8aa-72a266eb5498::*first subtr..." nil)
org-link-open((link (:standard-properties [139 nil 206 215 217 0 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil #<buffer test.org> nil nil (paragraph (:standard-properties [139 139 139 218 218 0 nil planning element t nil nil nil nil #<buffer test.org> nil nil (section ...)]))] :type "id" :type-explicit-p t :path "f3805217-ff72-4dbe-b8aa-72a266eb5498::*first subtr..." :format bracket :raw-link "id:f3805217-ff72-4dbe-b8aa-72a266eb5498::*first su..." :application nil :search-option nil)) nil)
funcall-interactively(org-open-at-point nil)
This isn’t very clear to my elisp-ignorant eyes.
I’m using:
- GNU Emacs 29.4 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.43, cairo version 1.18.2)
- Org mode version 9.7.17 (9.7.17-3ae179)
- org-roam 20241007.1704
Thanks for your help!