Opening ID-Links confusion

I’m a bit confused. My GTD system has a file with daily plan items that are ID links to my “backlog” where the tasks are. So far, when I clicked on such a link in the daily plan, a new window opened below my daily plan and I saw the item.

Now with org-roam installed an loaded the link always opens the item in the same window. Ok, I can live with that since I can go back with ‘C-c &’, but I’m still confused because of the following:

I tried to trace what happens because org-link-frame-setup seems to be good and uses
(file . find-file-other-window)

Ok, loading just orgmode without org-roam and then tracing the functions org-link-open
and org-id-open creates a trace like this:

1 -> (org-link-open (link (:type "id" :path "a0eb4d16-876b-4262-835e-4d40b51a409d" :format bracket :raw-link "id:a0eb4d16-876b-4262-835e-4d40b51a409d" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 1260 :end 1350 :contents-begin 1303 :contents-end 1348 :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 1260 :end 1351 :contents-begin 1260 :contents-end 1351 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 1260 :parent (item (:bullet "- " :begin 1250 :end 1351 :contents-begin 1260 :contents-end 1351 :checkbox on :counter nil :structure #1=((1250 4 "- " nil "[X]" nil 1351) (1351 4 "- " nil "[X]" nil 1416) (1416 4 "- " nil "[X]" nil 1493) (1493 4 "- " nil "[ ]" nil 1594)) :pre-blank 0 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 1250 :tag nil :parent (plain-list (:type unordered :begin 1250 :end 1594 :contents-begin 1250 :contents-end 1594 :structure #1# :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 1250 :parent nil)))))))) nil)
| 2 -> (org-id-open "a0eb4d16-876b-4262-835e-4d40b51a409d" nil)
| 2 <- org-id-open: nil
1 <- org-link-open: nil

If I do the same traces with org-roam loaded, then I don’t even get a trace file. So I assume that those functions are no longer called, but what is happening when I click on an ID-link when org-roam is active?

Ok, replying to myself. :wink:
Looks like with org-roam loaded then org-roam-open-id-at-point will be called when I click on an ID-link.

Still strange, but at least I now know why it behaves like it behaves.