You might benefit from looking at the config sample in chapter 3 of my guide. It is for Windows users but the config samples should be identical for other OSs if you do not use Emacs distros such as Doom and Spacemacs.
Looking at the excerpt of your config above, it does not do what you might intend to do. I cannot spend time to correct all, but give you two examples:
'(org-roam-db-update-method 'immediate)
this does not set anything on its own. What you mean is probably this:
(setq org-roam-db-update-method 'immediate)
(setq org-roam-dailies-capture-templates 'org-roam-capture--get-point
You would need to close the parenthesis before moving on to defining keybindings. I don’t know what org-capture-get--point
is intended to do, I cannot give you advice on this part.
My suggestion is to have a look at the guide, and see if you could follow some of it for your OS. If you are on Windows, at least it will help you get started.