Maximum number of notes

Thanks for a detailed answer. Appreciate it.

Let me specify:
I have a large collection of OCRed books (15,000+), as well as over 15,000,000 .txt files (a university department material). Each file ranges from a couple of paragraphs to an equivalent of 1,000 pages book.

I though I may utilize org-mode or org-roam as a sort of Memex machine (if you know Vannevar Bush’s idea) in order to access this large library as such it may be “consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility.” I know the idea of org-mode and other handy tools like Obsidian is build on the idea of personal note taking, rather than serving as a more “universal” knowledge management tool.

Perhaps I should just oust the idea of utilizing these tools aimed at personal note taking?
Should I rather look for enterprise-level solutions?
But then I wonder, is it not just all matter of CPU performance?