How to do transclusion to org-files as fast as possible?

This works great. However, in my humble opinion, when I do org-transclusion-make-from-link I didn’t like the effect of IMMEDIATELY doing the transclusion into the buffer when the org-transclusion-mode is on (which is almost the case) because my buffer get cluttered so fast causing a bit of inconvenience. I would like to have the default to just show the transclusion keyword and the link, that’s it, because at this point, I would rather pick some lines to be transcluded and not everything. This is true when you are doing transclusion to a reference node buffer, where I have many notes (org-noter entries) for a PDF. So the desired behavior for org-transclusion-make-from-link to just put the keyword and stop right there, to allow the user at this point to decide whether to go with everything or pick some lines and add some other options (mostly the case). As such, I am left with one inconvenient option: to disable org-transclusion-mode before doing org-transclusion-make-from-link to get the desired effect.