Backing Development

Hey there–I’m wondering how we can support the development of org-roam. The development of this package gave me the excuse to learn emacs–in fact, the excellent blog posts @jethro put together before the org-mode launched got me interested in the first place.

Anyways, I seem to remember a “backers” link to support development but I don’t see it anywhere anymore.

Thanks @jethro, @zaeph and the others who I don’t yet know for all your hard work on this.

If you want to make a small monetary contribution, you can find a sponsor button on the GitHub repo:

There are other ways of giving back, that is not very different from what Bastien appealed for after releasing Org 9.4 (, which mostly boils down to:

  1. Help answering questions – @nobiot, @mshevchuk, @timquelch and others have been very active in answering questions, and that helps me a lot, freeing a lot of bandwidth for me.
  2. Reproducing bug reports – there are a number of reported bugs that are difficult for me to reproduce, either because of incompleteness (no reproducing example), or simply because I don’t have access to the platforms (e.g. osx and windows). Being able to reproduce them lets me know that there are other people facing the issue, and helps me reprioritize and find a targeted fix.