Zero to Emacs and Org-roam: a step-by-step guide on Windows 10

A Happy New Year to all.

Just uploaded a new chapter. It talks about a solution on Windows for inserting an image file from the clipboard (or from using Snipping Tool).

Insert an image from the clipboard, or the Snipping Tool on Windows

[Edit 2021-01-17: Now it looks like org-download works on my Windows! Yay. I will play with it and update the Zero guide when I know more about it] I have never been able to get org-download to work on Windows. Perhaps this is a detour, if someone knows how to do it; nevertheless, this solution works quite well on my set up and for my workflow.

Edit: I added a part where I talk about in-line display resizing without Imagemagick; it’s just a matter of setting a variable.

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