@zaeph @rgoswami, I should have searched longer before posting about Zotero over here.
Can I ask more specifically, what it looks like when you caputre a reference to zotero and hten take notes on it/
So, e.g., for me, I have a set of tabs open in Firefox. Right now what I’m doing is:
- click on the Zotero button in the browser to save to bibliography.
- click on my bookmarklet to capture to roam. THe capture links to the web page only, not to the citekey.
- open the PDF and start taking notes. For now I am mostly copy-pasting; I miss highlighting in evince or pdf-view – I have a tiny elisp fragment that will extract highlights from a PDF, and ideally that would be part of my capture template I guess.
- get the filesystem path to the PDF
- add it as a link to the note
All of this is a bit more labourious than it should be, I think, and I’ wondering if you do something more efficient. Thanks!