I noticed while debuging a custom function a while ago that every time my Org-roam database is synchronized, the following message gets printed to my messages buffer:
As I was exploring the Org-roam database parameters lately, I stumbled upon the org-roam-db--connection variable, and noticed the last path to my local database was the only one using the ~ notation, since it is right after <finalizer> I thought I had the culprit.
#s(hash-table size 65 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 data
("/home/USER/.local/share/org/" #s(emacsql-sqlite-builtin-connection #<sqlite db=0x64432f287950 name=/home/USER/.emacs.d/.local/cache/org-roam.db> nil #<finalizer> "~/.emacs.d/.local/cache/org-roam.db")))
I thought it was odd, because I have not customized the org-roam-db-location variable. Anyway, I decided to set it from my config using (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/.local/cache/org-roam.db").
Changes took effect, but the message is still there after calling org-roam-db-sync. It has no side effect that I could tell so far, but no one likes stuff to fail in their Emacs, so I thought I’d ask around.
What’s the value of your org-roam-database-connector? If it’s not “sqlite-builtin” and Doom Emacs lets you, I suggest you try the built-in SQLite. Does this make sense to you?
Thanks for replying.
The value for that variable is indeed sqlite-builtin…
Just to make sure that part is clear, it is as far as I know only a failure message printed; apart from that, everything seems to be working fine…
I would not even know about it if it was not for some unrelated debugging I did recently…
When you say ‘move Doom out of the equation’, you mean for testing ?
I would not actually know how to do that and still ensure org-roam loads. That would require some minimal config if only to get the files locations right I guess.