I am running it on valilla GNU/Emacs v. 27.2, Windows 10 system. Emacs has been installed through chocolately.
Apparently, after a update, I get the error we have on title
Cannot open load file: No such file or directory, sqlite
Starting emacs with -Q option seems to actually run org-roam correctly, but without loading my database location and org files directory.
== EDIT ==
This is the org-roam diagnostic page
Copy info below this line into issue:
- Emacs: GNU Emacs 27.2 (build 1, x86_64-w64-mingw32)
of 2021-03-26
- Framework: I don't know
- Org: Org mode version 9.4.4 (release_9.4.4 @ c:/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib/Emacs/tools/emacs/share/emacs/27.2/lisp/org/)
- Org-roam: 2.2.2- sqlite-connector: sqlite-builtin
org-roam-database-connector org-roam-database-connector is only available from Emacs 29 and onward (this uses the sqlite compiled within Emacs). 27.2 does not have it.
If you are saying it has been working before your update (it’s not clear what software was updated, but that’s probably not relevant), change the value of variable org-roam-database-connector back to what it was (probably sqlite), or alternatively, try sqlite-module (you need another package; see below).
Here is the copy and paste of the variable’s document string:
The database connector used by Org-roam.
This must be set before ‘org-roam’ is loaded. To use an alternative
connector you must install the respective package explicitly.
The default is ‘sqlite’, which uses the ‘emacsql-sqlite’ library
that is being maintained in the same repository as ‘emacsql’
If you are using Emacs 29, then the recommended connector is
‘sqlite-builtin’, which uses the new builtin support for SQLite.
You need to install the ‘emacsql-sqlite-builtin’ package to use
this connector.
If you are using an older Emacs release, then the recommended
connector is ‘sqlite-module’, which uses the module provided by
the ‘sqlite3’ package. This is very similar to the previous
connector and the built-in support in Emacs 29 derives from this
module. You need to install the ‘emacsql-sqlite-module’ package
to use this connector.
For the time being ‘libsqlite3’ is still supported. Do not use
this, it is an older version of the ‘sqlite-module’ connector
from before the connector and the package were renamed.
For the time being ‘sqlite3’ is also supported. Do not use this.
This uses the third-party ‘emacsql-sqlite3’ package, which uses
the official ‘sqlite3’ cli tool, which is not intended
to be used like this. See Introducing EmacSQL.