Thanks, you are right, it’s there.
I’m also interested in improving my workflow. For me the ideal flow would be either:
- Open fresh PDF within emacs for which no notes have been taken(for example through reference autocompletion)
- From some page of interest in the PDF create an org roam note that saves the information about the correct page/location
- Create multiple note files each having their own org roam note file
Or in the case that I want to work with notes already created before:
- Open existing org roam note file
- Hit binding so that PDF opens to location where note was taken
In both scenarios moving between note files whether for the same PDF, or whatever should be easy and not automatically jump around in the PDF unless I tell emacs to. And in practy itsy often a back and forth between these two scenarios.The main idea would be to have many smaller notes derived from sections of the the pdfs.
So far it has seemed that org noter tries to assign a single noter file as a main reference point which doesn’t really gel with my idea if many independent note files. Does anybody do something similar?