Package dedicated to workflows publishing digital garden on web

I continue to think about all of that, but in parallel i try to slowly migrating to nix (so much pain …).

Seeing your huge work to publish a great garden of notes @clintonboys , i think, hey, that could be really cool to think a “web into web”, linking/forking notes between garden ?!

For example if i found the note on really complete, and i want to copy and enhance it on my garden, we could imagine a system to fork/link the original and the cloned note.

Scenarii :
A - I fork a note from @clintonboys into my personnal garden, org-roam produce a local copy that include a permanent link of the file on the git repo and comit of @clintonboys
B - I modify this local note, adding new idea, and after that i publish the new note on my personnal git/github.
C - two weeks later @clintonboys see i enrich his note on my garden with some new content. If it want org-roam directly propose a merge between the two distant notes.

We could also imagine that linking an external .org on another digital garden, org-roam propose to directly catch and display the external note when navigating into my local note with emacs.

The question is, how could we emit the beep sound/ notifications that say “hey @clintonboys someone fork your note here https://xxxx !”

I don’t know if it’s clear, this is another idea for future dev on publishing system @jethro @zaeph

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