Org-remark introduction video (formerly, Org-marginalia)

Try it in a buffer visiting a file in Org-roam, or any buffer visiting a file. Scratch buffer does not visit a file; that error is expected there.

I’ll see if I can address the case when the current buffer is not visiting a file.

Edit: In addition… I just realised there is an issue with this approach:

(setq org-remark-notes-file-name
      (concat "~/org-roam/highlights/" (file-name-base (org-remark-notes-file-name-function)) ".org"))

It will fix org--remark--notes-file-name to one file name.

In order to dynamically change the file name per file, you need to set the variable to a function. So…

(setq org-remark-notes-file-name
      (lambda ()
        (concat "~/org-roam/highlights/"
                (file-name-base (org-remark-notes-file-name-function))

Or create a custom function and then set it to a variable (I’d prefer a named function like this):

(defun my/function ()
  (concat "~/org-roam/highlights/"
          (file-name-base (org-remark-notes-file-name-function))

(setq org-remark-notes-file-name