Khoj An AI personal assistant for your digital brain

Has anyone played with Khoj and Org-Roam?
Link: Khoj
I have been unable to get it to work so far.


I’ve been using it. I added my org-roam directory and works great. Way better than the deft search.

What problem do you have?

I have been trying to install it on a Raspberry Pi and recently found out that this is not currently possible.
error running khoj in raspberry pi · Issue #436 · khoj-ai/khoj · GitHub
Your comment about it being better than deft has me even more interested now! Thanks

By the way, they are doing an event today (wednesday at 1pm PST) in their discord.

we’ll discuss: changes we’re planning to rearchitect Khoj in order to simplify the desktop app (for maintenance) and increase modularity for easier movement between local/cloud-hosting in the same code base. also please come ready to share any feedback, bugs, feature requests.