Installation problems for v2 on openSUSE Leap

Tried to install org-roam v2 on an openSUSE Leap 15.2 distribution. Follwoing this tutorial.

Ok. First attempt ended up in a failure. I got a backtrace that says:

wrong-type-argument arrayp nil)

After googling and trying for a while it turned out that the root cause for this problem is, that the tar package of openSUSE is compiled with “format=posix” instead of “format=gnu”. Rebuild the tar package with default format gnu and I was able to install. (Side note: There is also a custom variable “Quelpa-buld-explicit-tar-format-p” that can be customize to enforce gnu format. Will try this later on.)

After “fixing” this I got org-roam v2 compiled. But the compile log still looks a bit strange:

Compiling file /home/rainer/.emacs.d/elpa/org-roam-20210710.1008/org-roam.el at Sat Jul 10 14:20:36 2021
Warning (bytecomp): Unused lexical variable ‘org-end-time-was-given’
Warning (bytecomp): Unused lexical variable ‘key’
Warning (bytecomp): Unused lexical variable ‘desc’
Warning (bytecomp): the following functions are not known to be defined:
    org-roam-node-from-id, org-roam-node-from-title-or-alias,
    org-roam-node-file, org-roam-node-point, org-roam-node-id,
    org-roam-populate, org-roam-node-create, org-roam-node-read
Warning (bytecomp): Unused lexical variable ‘link-type’
Warning (bytecomp): the function ‘org-roam-completion-functions’ is not known to be defined.
Warning (bytecomp): the function ‘org-roam-node-create’ is not known to be defined.
Warning (bytecomp): the following functions are not known to be defined:
    org-roam--nodes-table, org-roam-node-p, org-roam-node-title,
    org-roam-node-id, org-roam-node-at-point
Warning (bytecomp): Unknown slot ‘node’
Warning (bytecomp): reference to free variable ‘org-roam-file-extensions’
Warning (bytecomp): the following functions are not known to be defined:
    org-roam-node-title, org-roam-node-id, org-roam-node-create,
    org-roam-node-insert-section, org-roam-node-refs,
    org-roam-node-file, org-roam-node-aliases,
Warning (bytecomp): the following functions are not known to be defined:
    org-roam-node-from-id, org-roam-node-title, after-save-hook
Warning (bytecomp): assignment to free variable ‘k’
Warning (bytecomp): assignment to free variable ‘v’
Warning (bytecomp): reference to free variable ‘k’
Warning (bytecomp): reference to free variable ‘v’
Warning (bytecomp): the function ‘file-mtime’ is not known to be defined.

Do I have to worry about those warnings?

You can ignore these bytecompile errors for now, things should still run alright.