It seems the Discourse app changes the Melpa-org URL to the string “Package Listing”. But I added the correct URL like documented in the document “Getting Started”.
I don’t think that’s the problem. Other MELPA packages are correctly installed.
The package ‘emacsql-sqlite’ is not listed on MELPA and not on MELPA-STABLE.
I think what you may be missing in your steps is M-x package-refresh-contents or M-x package-list-packages. I use the latter in the video I share below.
Note that you’ll need to run M-x package-refresh-contents or M-x package-list-packages to ensure that Emacs has fetched the MELPA package list before you can install packages with M-x package-install or similar.
The current version available in MELPA does not require emacsql-sqlite. See this screenshot from Emacs. Note it equires emacsql (not emacsql-sqlite).