Help Implementing the "Opening Internal Links in The Same Window/Frame" Work-around Fix

Ah, the same I observed. This seems to change if you toggle the side buffer off and then on after the first success. I am guessing that the first jump activates and loads some other package, which was dormant in the first instance (via autoload) including some hook of sort. I cannot explain why then togging off and on takes this behaviour away again, though…

Yeah I get the same behaviour… odd!

I’ll try finding some org-roam doom user, see if they have a fix.

Done some more digging and appears to be an Org-Roam issue, not Doom specific. The issue is actually open [Question] How to always open backlinks in full windows · Issue #920 · org-roam/org-roam · GitHub here, hopefully gets fixed soon

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I wonder what the issue really is… I really do not seem to have this split Window behaviour in my vanilla Emacs. Issue appears when I install Doom.

Basically window/frame management is hairy in Emacs, especially when dealing with side-windows, which is terminology that is specific to Emacs.

We built certain functions to get around this, but it’s iffy and doesn’t work all the time for some reason. These will be addressed in the buffer revamp, but this may be months away.

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Thanks. I see. For what’s worth, though, in my vanilla, it seems to work the way I expect all the time; so at least the function you built (in June/July last year, I believe) works for – if I could generalize my experience – vanilla.

I’ve found a work around using the Doom function doom/window-maximize-vertically. If I open a link, and it splits a window, I then trigger this function, and it makes it full-sized again. Is there a way to trigger this function everytime after opening a backlink? Thought this could provide a quick fix until the backlink buffer revamp

A bit different but build on your solution. Add (add-hook 'org-follow-link-hook #'delete-other-windows) to your Doom config.el file.

hey PLC_Jedi,

Thanks, this looks like something that I can work into a solution. The only problem with it though is that the delete-other-windows function will also delete the back-buffer.

i don’t know if there is a version of delete-other-windows that will discriminate against only a certain type of window? But if so then this solution would work perfectly.

okay i wasn’t sure how to execute two functions in sequence, so my code (which seems to work) just has following line (add-hook 'org-follow-link-hook #'org-roam-toggle-display),

edit2: haha okay this solution doesn’t work