I still have to take advantage of org-roam’s capturing…
Probably not, both.
That could be nice, but, maybe, not essential.
Do you consider that org-roam could potentially handle heavier load in regard to the size of (Zettelkasten) notes?
I still have to take advantage of org-roam’s capturing…
Probably not, both.
That could be nice, but, maybe, not essential.
Do you consider that org-roam could potentially handle heavier load in regard to the size of (Zettelkasten) notes?
This is a question for @jethro and people with more software engineering skills. At the current pace, for me, I will have maximum some thousand notes in some tens of years. I do not foresee my notes will hit the performance issues that some people talk about.
It sounds like you don’t really need Denote…
I have what seems to be an initial approximation of the format:
(setq org-roam-capture-templates
'(("z" "zettel" plain "%?"
(file+head "%<%Y%m%dT%H%M%S>--${slug}__%(hiddyn/select-tag).org" ":PROPERTIES:\n:ID: %<%Y%m%dT%H%M%S>\n:END:\n#+title: ${title}\n#+date: [%<%Y-%m-%d %a %H:%S>]\n#+filetags: %^G\n\n")
:immediate-finish t
:unnarrowed t)))
This should do basically everything that a normal denote note does, with one exception: I’m very new to Lisp and have no idea how to prompt for multiple filetags and reuse those in both the filename and the #+filetags section.
(defun hiddyn/select-tag ()
(completing-read "Select a tag: " (org-roam-tag-completions)))
seems to get me the former, but it’s brittle and doesn’t apply to the latter.
Would anyone have an idea of how to prompt for a comma-separated list of tags, store those temporarily for the file, and then reuse those in #+filetags? I’ve looked at Denote’s logic, but it’s not quite applicable given that org-roam pulls those from a database.
Actually, I think I’ve got a working proof-of-concept now, in case this helps anyone else in future who, like me, doesn’t really know Lisp very well:
(setq org-roam-capture-templates
'(("m" "molecule" plain "%?"
(file+head "%<%Y%m%dT%H%M%S>--${slug}__%(hiddyn/select-tag).org" ":PROPERTIES:\n:ID: %<%Y%m%dT%H%M%S>\n:END:\n#+title: ${title}\n#+date: [%<%Y-%m-%d %a %H:%S>]\n#+filetags: %(hiddyn/filetags)\n\n")
:immediate-finish t
:unnarrowed t)))
(defun hiddyn/select-tag ()
(setq hiddyn/tag-list (sort (completing-read-multiple "Select a tag: " (org-roam-tag-completions)) #'string<))
(mapconcat 'identity hiddyn/tag-list "_"))
(defun hiddyn/filetags ()
(concat ":" (mapconcat 'identity hiddyn/tag-list ":") ":"))
Combine that with the org-roam-node-slug override from the org-roam wiki, and you should be good to go!
Slightly rewritten version of the previous code
(setq org-roam-capture-templates
`(("d" "denote" plain "%?"
:target (file+head "%(my-new-org-roam-filename \"${title}\")"
:immediate-finish t
:unnarrowed t)))
(defun my-new-org-roam-filename (title)
(let ((id (denote-get-identifier (current-time)))
(tags (completing-read-multiple "New note KEYWORDS: "
(setq my-org-roam-capture-id id
my-org-roam-capture-title title
my-org-roam-capture-tags tags)
(denote--keywords-add-to-history tags)
(denote-format-file-name "/" id tags title ".org" nil)
(substring 1))))
(defun my-new-org-roam-template ()
(let* ((filetags (if my-org-roam-capture-tags
(concat ":" (mapconcat #'identity my-org-roam-capture-tags ":") ":")))
(front-matter (concat ":PROPERTIES:\n"
":ID: " my-org-roam-capture-id "\n"
"#+title: " my-org-roam-capture-title "\n"
"#+filetags: " filetags "\n")))
(setq my-org-roam-capture-id nil
my-org-roam-capture-title nil
my-org-roam-capture-tags nil)