Workflow for working with PDFs

Yes, if you want an emacs-only solution, Zotfile is not the right solution. I was recommending it to someone who is already using Zotero and seemed hesitant to jump into org-noter.

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There’s no need, I think. You set up zotfile to move zotero downloads where you want them, automatically.

I am using biblatex so the citing style is not an issue. I am using Zotero just because of the Zotero Connector that extracts bib information from the webpage.

I guess one can do the same using helm-bibtex or org-ref but do not know how it works. Does anyone have experience with that?

Just run helm-bibtex and press M-o to go to the other source with Actions. You’ll find all the options for grabbing BibTeX info and PDFs. In ivy-bibtex, I can’t remember how this is achieved, but there must be a similar way.

Got it. Thank you so much!

Thank you for this, really cool and helpful!
I would like to ask, do these settings are the same for emacs too?
