Where and how do I store network links (URLs)?

I love using org-roam, thank you so much to all the developers!

In my work, I most often use regular URLs as a source of information.

Yes, I can insert a URL into some online resource, but I would like to store not only the URL, but also some of my comments to the link and probably some other keywords.

How do I better organize a link library for further use in org-roam?

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This is built into org-mode. In short, the link is written like this: [[http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/][GNU Emacs]]. It will appear as the second bracketed portion. Other locator types (e.g. files on disk) are similarly representable; see https://orgmode.org/manual/External-Links.html for details.

I know how to make internal and external links in org mode.

I see. So what do you wish you could do?

You can use #+roam_key: at the top of your file with the URL listed there.


Yes, I can use #+roam_key: in org-roam notes, but only for the URL.

And I would like to have a simple link organization that is similar to browser bookmarks. There I would write: URL, comments and keywords.

Now, I’ve arranged for bookmarks to be stored in one org file:

* link #1 to the external URL and possibly some words
  :CUSTOM_ID: h-fd2dl2r08ri0
my comments 1

* link #2 to an external URL and possibly a few words
  :CUSTOM_ID: h-fd3dl2r08ri0
my comments 2


And when I write notes in the org-roam file, I specify a link to the necessary CUSTOM_ID:

I don’t know if it’s useful for your particular case, but from a classical hypertext view (say, something like Wikipedia), the URL should go in the same node (or atomic note or page) where the information is…

This will reduce maintenance costs and refer to the source from where you took the information, just in place.


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