V2 and spacemacs

@gnohz/@nobiot I’m using Windows 10 and using Emacs and Spacemacs for the first time.
I successfully installed it with these steps and enabled org-roam in spacemacs by configuring the layer like you suggested

But when I use any Org-Roam commands like org-roam-node-insert i’m getting an error “Selecting Deleted buffer”.

Can you help me with this?

Note that even though I copied the packages.el for org-roam which has (setq org-roam-v2-ack t), the variable is still returend as nil when I checked it using C-h v

How did you determine you have “successfully installed” Org-roam? Is the database file created? Can you see a list of nodes when you run org-roam-node-find? Do you see the error only when you try to insert?

@nobiot, to verify org-roam installation, I checked the variable org-roam--sqlite-available-p which returned the value is t. But the org-roam.db file isn’t created though.

And I get the error when I use the org-roam-node-find or org-roam-node-insert command.
I’m starting org-roam from scratch, so I have not tried any other commands.

And i’m getting the same error even if I use vanilla Emacs without Spacemacs

Hmm. It’s hard to say what’s happening.
I cannot fail to get Org-roam working on my Windows 10 machine.

I just did a fresh installation of Org-roam like this – the image below is the init file (~/.emacs) in its entirety. You do not need to use use-package.

If your Org-roam has not been able to create the db file (it should be ~/.emacs.d/org-roam.db by default), then it’s not working.

My suggestion is as follows:

  • Back up the configuration files and packages you have now, and delete all of them and start with a clean slate.

  • Use ~/.emacs (no extension) as your configuration file (not ~/.emacs.d/init.el). You may have it in your folder without knowing that you had it. If so, delete it and create a new one

  • Put the following in your .emacs file and do M-x eval-buffer

;; Packages
(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/") t)
(setq package-check-signature nil)
  • Use M-x list-packages to install org-roam
    While installing it, you should see that emacsql-sqlite gets compiled. So the installation may take 5-30 minutes depending on your machine.

  • Once org-roam has been installed, you should see the Org-roam v2 warning. Go back to your .emacs buffer and add the following, and do M-x eval-buffer again

;; Org-roam
(setq org-roam-v2-ack t)
(setq org-roam-directory "~/org-roam") ;; your org-roam-dir path
(org-roam-db-autosync-mode 1)
  • Confirm that ~/.emacs.d/org-roam.db has been created (Turning on org-roam-db-autosync-mode runs org-roam-db-sync to generate the db file).

That should get your Org-roam going.

Occasionally, you may get “ Selecting Deleted buffer ”; e.g. when you do M-x org-roam-db-sync manually. It’s normal for Windows. You’d get it every second time; if you get it, simply run the same command again.

For Spacemacs, I would first try to get the vanilla Emacs going as above, and then move to Spacemacs.

Dear All,
How are you doing?
I am reporting a problem when changing to the modus-vivendi theme.
I have installed org-roam v2 on my spacemac without any problems and have been able to use the various features.
When I changed the Theme to modus-vivendi in Spacemacs org-roam v2, org-roam-node-find and org-roam-node-insert functions are no longer available.
Unfortunately, M-x org-roam-node-find nor org-roam-node-insert, as well as the keyboard shortcuts associated with them.
All of these commands somehow end up with the character “-tag” at the end of the display in the minibuffer.
If you change the theme back to default or to something other than modus-vivendi, you will find that All the org-roam features are back.
My operating environment is
Mac OS10.14.6 spacemacs 0.300.0@27.2
GNU Emacs 27.2 (build 1, x86_64-apple-darwin18.7.0, Carbon Version 158 AppKit 1671.6) of 2021-08-16 (org-roam v2)
Thx and regards, WAKAMATSU (from Japan)

@nobiot, when I tried the steps above to clean install I got errors at a couple of steps

  1. M-x list-packages doesn’t show org-roam in the list, so I installed it using M-x package-install

    • And I got an error at the end of this installation: “no emacs sqlite binary available aborting
    • Then I used MSYS2 to generate the emacsql-sqlite.exe binary file using steps 7,8,9 in this link.
  2. Then I updated the .emacs buffer to configure org-roam. But I got an error: query timeout error

    • The ~/.emacs.d/org-roam.db file was not created
    • After this, i’m getting the “Selecting Deleted Buffer” error when I re-try M-x eval-buffer

I hope this can help understand what’s causing the issue!!

It’s working now @nobiot. I installed mingw using chocolatey (choco install mingw) and re-installed org-roam and got it to work.

Thank you for your time and helping me solve this. I have been trying to get it to work for more than a week now. Really appreciate your help. :handshake: :pray:

It’s unlikely that changing only the theme changes functional behaviors of Org-roam as you describe them. I don’t use Spacemacs but I use Modus Themes (both Operandi and Vivendi) and do not have the problems you describe.

I can only guess that you changed more than themes. How did you change themes?

Dear noblot,
Thank you for your Information.
I am afraid when I use Modus Themes Vivendi, alway announced those message.
========Copy from Messages
Auto-evilification could not remap these functions in map ‘org-agenda-mode-map’:

  • ‘org-agenda-next-line’ originally mapped on ‘C-n’
    Auto-evilification could not remap these functions in map ‘org-agenda-mode-map’:
  • ‘org-agenda-toggle-time-grid’ originally mapped on ‘G’
    Auto-evilification could not remap these functions in map ‘org-agenda-mode-map’:
  • ‘org-agenda-filter-remove-all’ originally mapped on ‘|’
    Auto-evilification could not remap these functions in map ‘org-agenda-mode-map’:
  • ‘org-agenda-filter-by-tag’ originally mapped on ‘\’

I would like to know how do I get rid of these messages?
I would appreciate it if you could tell me how to deal with this.
Respectfully, WAKAMATSU

P.S I will check later to see if I made any other changes, though.

None of the messages appear to be related to Org-roam. It might be quicker if you asked Spacemacs community for help.

Dear nobiot,
Thanks for your suggestion.
I will talk to the spacemacs community about this issue.
Respectfully, WAKAMATSU

Thank you so much, I had came into the same problem