Using consult-ripgrep with org-roam for searching notes

Can you help me to rewrite this function to be able to exclude some folders?

Ive tried setting the --glob flag which works as expected on command line but not with the function here

(let ((consult-ripgrep-command "rg --null --ignore-case --type org --line-buffered --color=always --max-columns=500 --no-heading --line-number --glob '!exclude_dir/' . -e ARG OPTS")

ive also tried to set consult-ripgrep-args with --glob flag but im not able to exclude results found in exclude_dir folder

Thanks for this post.
I wish I had seen it a long time ago. It would have saved me from attempting to use Obsidian and other software because I couldn’t figure out how to effectively search my org-roam notes.