Sidebar "roam buffer" gets replaced with org-roam node instead of updating

I upgraded the doom distribution I have, and it works great!

But, I now have my org-roam-buffer showing the entire note under the title, including also the metadata (like #+created:…). Do you know what could be the issue?

I think it’s this roam-buffer shows full content of backlinks/reflinks · Issue #1934 · org-roam/org-roam · GitHub

Read from the bottom of the thread. I think the workaround code needs to be corrected.

Thanks for that link, but I could not understand how to fix it from the correspondence.
I tried this code by Jethro

(defun org-roam-preview-get-contents (file pt)
  "Get preview content for FILE at PT."
    (org-roam-with-temp-buffer file
       (goto-char pt)
       (let ((elem (org-element-context)))
         ;; TODO: alt handling for non-paragraph elements
          (org-element-property :begin elem)
          (org-element-property :begin end)))))))

but I got an empty org-roam-buffer.

That’s what I am saying. The code needs correction. Can’t do much now; out and about on a iPhone. In the mean time, someone else can jump in to support.

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Ooops, sorry, I missed the comment that it needs to be corrected. I put a comment in the github saying it does not work.

I’m also having issues with the sidebar example in the manual not working. Were there any solutions found for this?

This thread is long and old, and seems to include multiple issues. It’s probably best to explain what your issue is again. Also if you use Doom or not is usually a factor. For example, Doom has its own way to control “pop up” windows.