Package release: Org-Roam-UI

Dear jgru,
Could you please share your wisdom with me?
[[ Export one/multiple Org-Roam file with backlinks? - How To - Org-roam ]]
Export one/multiple Org-Roam file with backlinks?

What is the fundamental difference between exporting with org-roam-ui-export and exporting with org-roam-ui-export?
I am currently using org-hugo to check the context of files created with org-roam. I am trying to make context checking work for files created with org-roam.
Simply using ox-hugo would result in compiled files being
only stored in the ‘post’ folder.
If I can run the above py file.
"output_file = f “contents/posts/{path.with_suffix(’.md’).name}”
By changing the destination of contents/posts/ in
contents/basic/ or contents/memo/ or contents/One/ or
contents/Two/ etc. I think you can export to any folder you want.
I am wondering if it is possible to export to the folder I want?
I can build a virtual site using a static site generator other than hugo,
such as Jekyll or Gatsby, and check the screen on the localhost of the virtual site. I have not tried anything other than Hexo, Hugo and Sphinx yet.
I did not get to the point of building a site successfully with Jekyll.
This time, I decided to use hugo, which seems to be compatible with org-roam. Sorry for the long explanation.
Now, back to the story.
Where is the original aim of using org-roam-ui-export?
Forgive me if I do not understand the functionality of this org-roam-ui-export.
If you do not mind my asking, what was your ‘goal’ when you created this functionality? I would be very grateful if you could explain in more detail.
Faithfully, WAKAMATSU