

I don’t understand why i have a problem with completion with company in Doom emacs. My config:

   (use-package! company-org-roam) 

    (use-package! company-posframe
      :hook (company-mode . company-posframe-mode))

    (after! company
      (map! "M-/" #'company-complete))

And i also have

(setq company-idle-delay nil)

Any idea ?

Really strange :thinking:

I believe company-org-roam was deprecated at around v1.2.1 in favour of company-capf.
I wrote a quick configuration guide before; it may not be 100% current, but you might be able to take basic ideas away.

Where I am not confident is in the latest version, the support for “fuzzy link” ([[file-name-as-alink]]) may not be present. [[roam:file-name-as-alink]] should work… That is, you might need to type “[[roam:” to get Company to start completing.

Hi @nobiot

Thanks for reply. I’ll check this. At this time, the error is


It works with config

(use-package! company-org-roam)
(use-package! company-posframe
  :hook (company-mode . company-posframe-mode))

(setq company-minimum-prefix-length 2)
(setq company-idle-delay 0.25)
(setq company-backends '(company-capf))
(setq completion-ignore-case t)

The only thing I miss now is being able to “jump” out of the link brackets so I can continue writing without going back to the normal evil mode.

+1 @jethro

Last time I talked about that with Jethro, his intention was that the cursor remains inside the bracket so that you can choose to continue with a “*” to look for a headline.

I believe you would need to change the code to alter this behavior to skip to the outside the bracket (I probably did some POC code and shared it somewhere, probably in this forum…)

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Oh yes, I hadn’t thought of that. It makes sense…

Okay, I’ll take a look. Thank you.

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