Make graph nodes link back to their notes

Nobiot, you are keeping me in the game! Thank you.

Given your concern about my Emacs installation (well placed, I’m sure), I
– uninstalled emacs,
– scoured my system for any artifacts and deleted them,
– reinstalled (emacs-plus@27),
– cloned and reinstalled Doom Emacs,
– copied my org-roam settings (mostly stolen from the .doom.d files of an org-roam author) from my old config.el/init.el Doom files,
– ran “doom sync,” ran “doom doctor” and installed a couple dependencies “doom doctor” said I needed,
– made sure emacsclient and are still in the locations they occupied before, and
– tried the three tests you outline above.
– Sadly, I have the same results. I pass Q2 test but fail Q1 and Q2 test.

I’m very willing to debug if you’re willing to see what true ignorance looks like. I’d have to have help going from zero to debugging.