Hello, I’m in the process of moving my notes to org roam. The problem is that in order to
create a node I must change #+TITLE. What is the best way to create a node
without modifying the title? The reason for this is because I have documents that
I export to pdf and I need the title “This is a title about topic XYZ”. What I would like
is this:
:PROPERTIES: 7B421C54-3580-4FF3-BCD9-3D1D12DFEE93
#+TITLE: This is a title about topic XYZ
Now when I use org-roam-ui-open I can see a node XYZ instead of “This is a title about topic XYZ”.
A workaround would be if there was a way to only show aliases in org roam ui, I read an issue on this.
I tried: org-roam-title-sources '((roam_node)) and then in the org file
#+roam_node: node-name
but that did not work.
Not sure if this is the best way but I ended up creating the node in the first heading
this way the node is created in the heading instead of the file.
I’m not sure if this approach can later affect a files filter in org-roam-ui?
#+TITLE: Some Title
* My Node Name
:ID: some-unique-id
With Org-roam, a node is a file or headline with an ID in the property. This means the headline-node will be a different one if you add an ID to the file. Org-roam-ui follows this. I believe it knows the hierarchical relationship that the file contains the headline (not 100% sure how UI renders this).
The node automatically becomes “Programing Languages of 2023”, I would like a shorter node but I would like to keep that title because it’s a good title to export to a PDF.
How would I go about this? Adding a new feature named “ROAM_NODE_NAME” ? I don’t think I can use an alias to make it show up as “Code” in org roam ui or in backlinks can I?