Actually, I still did not really try something special for that.
Currently, I am using deft to find free text in notes, but since moving to org-roam v2, it doesn’t work so well.
I thought that marking sections or subsections with TODO, IDEA, etc., would make it easy to integrate with org-agenda later. But the problem is that I do not use org-agenda, so I’d have to learn that fast.
I recall that I read somewhere that org-agenda does not work so well when there are many files, so I think this is not the way to go.
I just saw this post about consult-ripgrep, and I am wondering if this is a good way. Though, I still did not figure out how to use consult-ripgrep.
What I want is to be able to see all notes in which I have an IDEA, or a TODO, or some other keyword, and be able to preview these notes easily.