Exporting title as a citation style

I’m trying to compile an annotated bibliography, with the title and brief citation of each paper as a header, then a paragraph of text describing the major findings etc. under that header. Essentially, something like this: Managing my Annotated Bibliography with Emacs' Org Mode.

I’m using the doom biblio package, which uses org-cite as it’s citation processor.

My org file currently looks like this:

:ID:       aec7bca0-a03c-48df-ac14-946bdebea168
#+title: Sfmbt Annotated Bibliography
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil

* [cite:@clemensgrimm2009]
The authors provide a detailed structural analysis of Sfmbt's binding to the methylated lysines of histones.

* References

It exports in this format (picture upload is not working on discourse for me for whatever reason):

1. (Clemens Grimm et al. 2009)

The authors provide a detailed structural analysis of Sfmbt’s binding to the methylated lysines of histones.

Clemens Grimm, Raquel Matos, Nga Ly-Hartig, Ulrich Steuerwald, Doris Lindner, Vladimir Rybin, Jürg Müller, and Christoph W Müller. 2009. “Molecular Recognition of Histone Lysine Methylation by the Polycomb Group Repressor dSfmbt.” The Embo Journal 28 (13): 1965–77. https://doi.org/10.1038/emboj.2009.147.

But what I really want is that citation in the header to render as:

1. Molecular Recognition of Histone Lysine Methylation by the Polycomb Group Repressor dSfmbt (Clemens Grimm et al., 2009).

Is this possible? I couldn’t find a corresponding style in the org-cite syntax
