Error when calling arxiv-get-pdf-add-bibtex-entry

Over the past couple of months, I’ve started getting the errors

error in process sentinel: async-handle-result: Cannot open load file: No such file or directory, dash
error in process sentinel: Cannot open load file: No such file or directory, dash

when calling arxiv-get-pdf-add-bibtex-entry. Has anyone else seen anything similar? I’ve googled but been unable to find any pointers to what to do. Does it have to do with the dash lisp package? Installing it didn’t seem to help.

I’ve filed an issue at the org-ref repo for this as well: Getting 2 'error in process sentinel' errors when calling arxiv-get-pdf-add-bibtex-entry · Issue #923 · jkitchin/org-ref · GitHub, but I don’t expect most people on this forum to be watching that issue list so I thought I would post here too.

Jon Kitchin has already responded with the solution to this issue, which was:

(setq doi-utils-async-download nil)