Your excitement comes through, and you have a lot on your mind. Can we agree that we summarize your interests and queries like this below?
You’re after these two:
- Getting more “functional windows”
- Integrate Org-roam with Org-mode’s agenda and todo systems.
You like the keyboard workflow, but coming from Obsidian, you want to see possibilities to retain the following visual elements from it.
Graph view. Currently using Org-roam UI, with the UI opening in a browser, but you would prefer it within Emacs.
Visual canvas for more organized, visual notes.
Kanban board, likely through Org-agenda.
I will be brief in each of the points.
1. “Functional windows”
Two things.
I don’t know what you mean by “functional windows”. Judging from the screenshots, you haven’t been using the “Org-roam buffer” feature where backlinks for a current note is displayed. I suggest to consult this section of the manual.
There is a Wiki on the GitHub repo, with a lot of users sharing their tricks and hacks (small ones,mostly, to make things a little easier with Org-roam). I suggest you have a look.
2. Integrating TODO and org-agenda
I don’t use Org-roam this way, but many others do. In my opinion, there are three broad categories of things people do with Org-roam: (1) manage TODOs and tasks, (2) store and retrieve knowledge, and (3) think and write. I have written up a short article as a comment with some links to more resources. It may be useful for you.
Graph view and browser within Emacs
The built-in browser is essentially text-only (with some support for images). If you are interested in a full browser within Emacs, see the following:
- GitHub - emacs-exwm/exwm: Emacs X Window Manager
- GitHub - emacs-eaf/emacs-application-framework: EAF, an extensible framework that revolutionizes the graphical capabilities of Emacs
Visual canvas
Emacs is not good at graphics and visuals. Discourse user @cpbotha has published org-roam-canvas
that connects Org-roam with Obsidian. See this comment.
Kanban board, likely through Org-agenda.
Not sure how this can be achieved. I don’t use Org-agenda, either. I can’t really comment. I’ll invite others to jump in. There is a short discussion from 2023.