Can I query all existing values of a given property?

I have a custom property called AREA, and I would like to retrieve a list of all exisiting values in the database. I have no idea how to do it with a simple query.

All I would be able to do is query all the nodes (level 0 is enough in that particular case), and process this list to extract AREA unique values using assoc-string I think.

This strategy feels very expensive to me, so I was wondering if it was posible to achieve the same results using org-roam-db-query. I recently installed vulpea, and started experimenting with it, so I would be very happy with an alternative solution using vulpea capabilities.

Thanks for your time.

Is this one-off retrieval, or in every Emacs session or command call?

If you need the list frequently, I’d do a query like this below (replace GEO with AREA — for your purpose, you don’t need to retrieve the ID either), dedupe the same occurrences, and keep the resultant list in a simple list variable.

Or I retrieve the list once, and manually create a list variable in init so that you can manually add/remove from it.

LAT and LON are decimal degrees of type number (not string)."
  (let ((nodes (org-roam-db-query
                [:select [properties id]
:from nodes
:where (like properties '"%geo%")])))

source: How to use location in org-roam? - #3 by nobiot

I’d dedupe outside the sql, just to be clear, unless you know how in sql (probably UNIQUE can be used…)

Thanks for the code.
In my case, every single node in the database has an AREA property, so if I am not mistaken, this snippet would retrieve all my nodes.
To answer your previous question, it is a command call I would not use very often. It would be used in a complete-read prompt when needing to fix metadata and maybe some specific instances of note creation.

Then I’d retrieve from every node and keep the deduped list as a variable. I don’t see any issue here. What’s your concern ? In fact, I’d list them manually — I am assuming you want to use sql just to be exhaustive.

There is no real issue here, you are right. I should be able to extract the values from nodes, and dedup them. I just wanted to check first if something like SELECT DISTINCT properties.areas FROM nodes was possible, and maybe more performant, or simpler code wise.

I have written a lot of overly complicated Elisp functions over the last few months to find out later I was simply reinventing the wheel (and a lesser version of the wheel on top of it all !). Since I am not very comfortable with org-roam-db-query, I decided to ask if the db could be queried that way.

Anyway, I think it could be possible with the vulpea db extension feature, but I am gonna try the Elisp loop approach first to see how fast (or slow) it is.

Thanks for your help.

Did you try this? I thought this was possible — and yes it is DISTINCT not UNIQUE. Will try later at home myself.

For deduping, you can use loop if you like but there is also a dedupe function, delete-dups.

I tried without the DISTINCT statement this morning, it returned the litteral value ‘properties.area’ for each node in my database :slight_smile:

I have not been very successful at querying properties in general with org-roam, I forgot about my previous attempts, but I came to the understanding that properties where stored as a ‘stringified’ plist, so I simply started thinking about it differently.

I went back to the vulpea project page a week ago, and my understanding of org-roam and Elisp is finally enough to understand what I read there, and it is a great library. To be honest I thought the author created the meta KEY VAL pairs in part for this reason. There is actually a section about the rationale behind the author’s choice, I do not remember it exactly as I write, so do not take my word for it.

Thanks for the tip, I forgot about that one, but I think I would have found it back. I believe I will still have to loop over the nodes, extract the AREA values into a list, then, dedupe this list. I have not gotten to it seriously yet…

OK, I see what you mean now that I’ve tried it myself. The output from org-roam-db-query on properties in the nodes table is not intuitive.

Could I suggest you to try the following code?

This mapcar form should give you a list of all your areas from all your nodes in string, so you will have duplicates in it.

 (lambda (item)
   (cdr (assoc "AREA" (car item))))
 (org-roam-db-query [:select [properties] :from nodes]))

If this works on your end as it does on mine, then it would be a simple operation to dedupe the list, like so:

  (lambda (item)
    (cdr (assoc "AREA" (car item))))
  (org-roam-db-query [:select [properties] :from nodes])))

delete-dups uses equal to check duplicate items, so it should work on strings (on my casual test, it works).

I just tried it, it works great, it is fast, and the code is clear. I am going to reuse this logic for a few other ideas I wanted to implement.

Thanks for sharing your solution :+1:

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