I modified my Org-roam capture template.
As each of my notes are a file, I modified the “:target” like this:
:target (file "reference/%<%Y%m%d%H%M%S>-literature-${slug}.org")
And I added this on the top of my template file (“~/Roam/templates/literature.org”):
#+title: %^{Year}, %^{Author}: %^{Title}
#+filetags: :literature:
And finally, I replaced each ${key} with %^{key}, so I can use %\1, %\2, etc to reuse asked values.
With this, I finally have a simple literature note capture. With only one template where I define everything. Where I can have expansions for which I am asked only once for their values and where I can reuses the values multiple time in my note.
Maybe it’s not the optimal way of using Org-roam, but that what I have understand.
If I made a mistake, do note hesitate to tell me.